Procrastinate with DBIx::LazyCache — 45 minutes; accepted — August 9 (Fri), Room $, 14:20
Do you experience feelings of dread or fear when you update database tables? Have you ever wanted to tell a DBIC column “Ah, fuggedaboudit” and populate it later? Then you need DBIx::LazyCache, at a CPAN mirror near you. Consolidate your caching and business logic in one easy-to-use DBIx::Model.
Custom Routing Protocols in Dancer - Play Nicely With JavaScript — 45 minutes; accepted — August 7 (Wed), Room %, 14:20
Simplify communicating between Dancer2 and your JavaScript front end by writing your own custom routing protocols. We’ll take Dancer2, DXtreme’s DataGrid, and your existing DBIx::Class schema, and combine them into a single route keyword you can use in your own apps.
Practical Perl 6 — 240 minutes; pending
Learn Perl 6 hands-on as we build a database-driven wiki application from the ground up with a modern fully-asynchronous web server, SQLite and a full OORDBMS. We'll construct a simple web application that you can deploy and launch with one command! Don't worry if you don't know Perl 6, that's what you're here to learn.