Joining on Bi-Temporal tables — Eugen Konkov, 20 minutes; pending
About Bi-Temporal tables and data reference integrity
Juggling Patterns In Perl — Will Braswell, 45 minutes; pending
Juggling patterns are described by a mathematical language named Siteswap, with names such as: 333 AKA “Cascade” 4444 AKA “Fountain” AKA “Can’t You Juggle More Than 3?” 55555 AKA “5 Cascade” AKA “Can’t You Juggle More Than 4?” 51 AKA “Shower” 52515 AKA “Passing The Baby”
Auto-Parallel Programming On The Cloud — Will Braswell, 45 minutes; pending
Learn how to write code which will automatically execute in parallel on the Cloud. Push your programming skills to the next level with transpiler technologies.
The State Of The Scallion Address: Perl Compiler Current Affairs — Will Braswell, 45 minutes; pending
Perl is an onion, and RPerl is a skinny green onion, a scallion! 22 years after Saint Larry's original State of the Onion at The Perl Conference, it's time for everything old to be new again. Will the Chill speaks on the current affairs of the RPerl compiler and related topics of interest.
RPerl White Belt: From Zero To RPerl — Will Braswell, 240 minutes; pending
RPerl is the new optimizing compiler for Perl 5. This course will provide hands-on guidance to lead students through installing RPerl and writing their first RPerl programs. We will implement solutions to the exercises in chapter 1 of the course textbook, Learning RPerl. We will begin work on chapter 2 if time permits.
RPerl Yellow Belt — Will Braswell, 240 minutes; pending
This course is a continuation of the RPerl White Belt, and will provide hands-on guidance to lead students through RPerl's scalar data literals & types, scalar operators, constants, basic input & output, conditional statements, and loop control structures. We will implement solutions to the exercises in chapter 2 of the course textbook, Learning RPerl.
A language neutral approach from Perl to PHP & JavaScript — Raja Renga Bashyam, 45 minutes; pending
A team of few, we have challenges in implementing applications bigger than our size. The constraint forced to innovative practices that reduce our development time, that leaded to evolve a home grown framework. Though the initial things were in pure Perl, later it extended to PHP & JavaScript. We had challenges in train in different language, but Perl's natural language principles given a smooth adaption to PHP and JavaScript & even more. I will share our evolution of language neutral approach that reduced development & training time.
Deployment strategies for Perl Applications — Jens Rehsack, 45 minutes; pending
What is deployed to where? When it's removed and who is responsible? How can a deployment migrated? Questions over questions in operating applications.
Overloading Perl OPs using XS — Nicolas Rochelemagne, 45 minutes; accepted
Several CORE functions can be overloaded using CORE::GLOBAL:: override, but sometimes it’s not possible and XS is the alternate option to mock some Perl OPs. You are going to learn how to mock Perl OPs in XS and replace them by some convenient Pure Perl helpers using the FileCheck operators -X.
Deploying Perl Apps using Docker, Gitlab & Kubernetes — Thomas Klausner, 45 minutes; accepted
Measuring the Quality of your Perl Code — Dave Cross, 45 minutes; accepted
CPAN Contributors - Do's and Don'ts — Mohammad Anwar, 45 minutes; accepted
Share the secrets of successful CPAN contributors
Quick and Dirty GUI Applications using GUIDeFATE (revisited) — Saif Ahmed, 45 minutes; accepted
GUI applications for Perl are tricky, but Perl can make tricky things easy. A simple toolkit-less, back-end agnostic GUI development is described but this time demo-ing the development of three applications from design to code, along with a little audience participation at the end.
Debugging with Perl — Eugen Konkov, 45 minutes; accepted
Interactive debugging.
Finding humans to turn into developers — Julien Fiegehenn, 45 minutes; accepted
This talk deals with strategies for finding trainee and junior developer candidates.
Threads, thread unsafe modules, and an alternative — E. Choroba, 20 minutes; accepted
Using the PerlMonks Chatter Box GUI Client as an example, we'll see how to integrate Tk safely into a threaded program via Thread::Queue, or via MCE to avoid threads
Using GeoIP to monitor break-in attempts — H.Merijn Brand, 20 minutes; accepted
Access to sites or applications that are (very) region specific, like elections, might well want to block regions that try to break-in and/or corrupt the data. When a firewall or similar monitor reports break-in attempts, it might be useful to see the region the attempt comes from.
1st Locale-TextDomain-OO practical examples, 2nd Locale-TextDomain-OO autotranslation — Steffen Winkler, 45 minutes; accepted
WebPerl - Run Perl in the Browser! — Hauke Dämpfling, 45 minutes; accepted
Procrastinate with DBIx::LazyCache — Jeffrey Goff, 45 minutes; accepted
Do you experience feelings of dread or fear when you update database tables? Have you ever wanted to tell a DBIC column “Ah, fuggedaboudit” and populate it later? Then you need DBIx::LazyCache, at a CPAN mirror near you. Consolidate your caching and business logic in one easy-to-use DBIx::Model.
Custom Routing Protocols in Dancer - Play Nicely With JavaScript — Jeffrey Goff, 45 minutes; accepted
Simplify communicating between Dancer2 and your JavaScript front end by writing your own custom routing protocols. We’ll take Dancer2, DXtreme’s DataGrid, and your existing DBIx::Class schema, and combine them into a single route keyword you can use in your own apps.
Protect your Perl script from common security issues — Mohammad Anwar, 45 minutes; accepted
Lightning Talks Day 1 — R Geoffrey Avery, 5 minutes; accepted
Lightning Talks Day 2 — R Geoffrey Avery, 5 minutes; accepted
Lightning Talks Day 3 — R Geoffrey Avery, 5 minutes; accepted
What I learned about SQL in 2018 — Max Maischein, 45 minutes; accepted
This talk shows how to use SQL Window Functions (ISO SQL:2008) and how to use Common Table Expressions (CTE, ISO SQL:1999).
Things I learned at 'Advent of Code' — Thomas Klausner, 20 minutes; accepted
Advent of Code is an Advent calendar of small programming puzzles. In this talk I show how I fared and what I've learned.
medical image processing with Perl — Herbert Breunung, 5 minutes; accepted
RPC-Switch: JSON-RPC service-composition — Wieger Opmeer, 20 minutes; accepted
Supercharging Math Modules with Databases — Martin Becker, 20 minutes; accepted
Add a database to a math module to make it faster. But know what type of database to use and where to put it.
Growing our workforce — Diego Kuperman, 20 minutes; accepted
The working architecture of Perl applications — Viktor Turskyi, 45 minutes; accepted
I've seen a lot of Perl applications. I see a lot of misunderstandings around architectural patterns. 99% of Perl tutorials do not cover this topic and limited to "hello world" apps. How to build a really large application? What to choose Monolith or Microservices? How to think about architectural layers? How does GraphQL influence my architecture? I will answer all of these questions.
Geekuni — Julien Fiegehenn, 5 minutes; accepted
Introduction to the sponsor
Perl 5: The past, the present, and one possible future — Sawyer X, 45 minutes; accepted
Perl 5.30, past and future. At least one of them.
How To Test — Paul Johnson, 45 minutes; accepted
How to build traditional Perl interpreters. — Takahiro Shimizu, 20 minutes; accepted
In this talk, we will discuss Perl 1 through Perl 6 features of Perl, how to build, and the implementation of each version in C. If you are interested in the language Perl and you are interested in historical studies so far, I think it would be interesting.
Perl in Japan — Takayuki Fukumoto, 20 minutes; accepted
In this talk, I'd like to tell you the current state of Perl in Japan. In order to introduce it, I will talk 2 topics - web service development and community.
Embedding JavaScript in Perl — Gonzalo Diethelm, 20 minutes; accepted
How I embedded two JS engines (Duktape and V8) in Perl using XS, and how we are using that to migrate our web frontend to modern JS-based frameworks.
cpm 1.0 — Shoichi Kaji, 45 minutes; accepted
cpm is yet another CPAN client, whose primary feature is fastness. Now I'm excited to announce that cpm version 1.0 is coming soon!
Recent PAUSE Changes — Kenichi Ishigaki, 20 minutes; accepted
In this talk, I'll explain some of the recent changes of PAUSE, The [Perl programming] Authors Upload Server, and some of the future plans, mostly from the point of view of web user interface you usually use, with a little note on the indexer.
Exploring game programming patterns in Perl — José Joaquín Atria, 20 minutes; accepted
3dgeonames - A 3d open location code written in perl5 — Ervin Ruci, 20 minutes; accepted
parsing confidently — Lars Dɪᴇᴄᴋᴏᴡ 迪拉斯, 20 minutes; accepted
Many grammar parsers have defects that make them unsuitable for the general case.
Fun with Macros — Rolf Langsdorf, 45 minutes; accepted
Implementing macros by using the use/import mecahnism
The Camel Paradox — Rolf Langsdorf, 20 minutes; accepted
Trying to analyze what Perl is and how to sell it to relevant stakeholders
How Moose made me a bad OO programmer — Tadeusz Sośnierz, 20 minutes; accepted
Moose (and Perl 6) gives us syntax and semantics to make OO easier – but are all the things it gives us actually good and worth recommending?
Perl, SVG, math & my new tattoo — Thomas Klausner, 5 minutes; accepted
I recently got a new tattoo. I designed it using math, SVG and Perl.
Just another Perl hacker — Job _, 5 minutes; accepted
Perl was one of my first languages. It's immensely influenced the way I think about programming. But most of all its community has been a part of my life for so many years. This is a walk down memory lane.
Apollo 11 at 50 - A Simple Twitter Bot — Dave Cross, 5 minutes; accepted
Introduction to Perl Weekly Challenge — Mohammad Anwar, 5 minutes; accepted
Translating "Perl 5 is dead" — Jens Rehsack, 5 minutes; accepted
The Number Sneeches — Finn Kempers, 5 minutes; accepted
Time to Act! — Harald Jörg, 5 minutes; accepted
Perl::Formance Rekapitulacija 2019 — Steffen Schwigon, 5 minutes; accepted
Ryazan Perl/IT Workshop — Ilya Chesnokov, 5 minutes; accepted
EPO Recording Kits / SPW / LPW — Lee Johnson, 5 minutes; accepted
Fuzzing regexp (WIP) — Kang-min Liu, 5 minutes; accepted
Turning humans into developers with Perl — Julien Fiegehenn, 45 minutes; accepted
Parsing a distribution name is sometimes hard — Kenichi Ishigaki, 5 minutes; accepted
Simple Event Correlator: a hidden Perl gem — Fulvio Scapin, 5 minutes; accepted
Watching Trees Drink (with WebPerl) — Hauke Dämpfling, 5 minutes; accepted
Blast from the past: Acme::ReturnValues — Thomas Klausner, 5 minutes; accepted
Recording Talks without a camera — Julien Fiegehenn, 5 minutes; accepted
Smoking logs — Diego Kuperman, 5 minutes; accepted
Use the DATA section if there's no input — E. Choroba, 5 minutes; accepted
Women in Programming (Down South Subcontinent Context) — Raja Renga Bashyam, 20 minutes; reserve
As a trainer of web technologies(Perl/PHP/JS) for years, i had a personal myth of women programmers are not fit for core programming activities. Over the time, I realized women programmers have more stamina in deep dive and delivering commitment. I will share the initial myth & learning over the time and things that supports women in programming.
Modern Perl Web Development with Dancer2 — Dave Cross, 480 minutes; cancelled
In this workshop we will build a simple web application using Dancer2 and several other modern web tools.
Moving Mountains With Perl — Lee Johnson, 20 minutes; cancelled
Using a Raspberry Pi + stepper motor, with some simple Perl, to pan a large format camera. Ultimately to take photographs of mountains.
C, RPerl. C, RPerl, Run. Run, RPerl, Run! — Will Braswell, 45 minutes; cancelled
See RPerl run! This presentation is chock-full of real-life, bona-fide, honest-to-goodness running RPerl examples, demos, and applications.
The Perl Family Tree: Discovering Our Heritage — Will Braswell, 45 minutes; cancelled
Your family is where you come from. Your family tree helps you visualize your past, and perhaps capture a glimpse of the future. Discover our shared heritage with an investigation into the history of Perl.
What can you do with YAML in 2019? — Tina Müller, 20 minutes; cancelled
How we moved (successfully) from monolithic application to the micro services — Yury Pats, 20 minutes; cancelled
In the talk I would share our company experience of applying different approaches in the way to split the monolith application and survive in a mixed world between.
You need no Golang if use asynchrony in Perl — Mons Anderson, 45 minutes; cancelled
How to write fast and scalable asynchronous applications and services with modern Perl
Perl Reunification Panel Discussion — Will Braswell, 45 minutes; cancelled
A panel discussion with representatives from the Perl 5, Perl 6, and Perl 11 communities.